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Calling all Women

Welcome to our Women’s Ice Hockey Group on the Palouse! This group is to help recruit more female participation in Ice hockey (playing, coaching, and officiating) , aid in networking and to inspire us!

  • Are you new to hockey and interested in learning how to play?
  • Have you been playing for years and looking for more females to travel to tournaments with?
  • Are you looking for ways to improve your game?
  • Do you need more physical activity and looking for a fun, social group to do it with?

Lets use this group to inspire ourselves to keep being physically active, improve our skill, promote women in hockey opportunities, and network through Ice Hockey!

Join the Palouse Women’s Hockey Facebook Group:

Our group organizes all women’s on-ice coached practice sessions, games, and social events.

Interested in joining the Palouse Women’s Hockey League? Look for PWHL events on the schedule and register in the fall. And join the annual Care Cup Women’s Tournament held in April!

Questions or more information Please email: [email protected]