A local Nonprofit
Did you know The Palouse Ice Rink is a nonprofit 501 C3. (We are not funded by city taxes)
We are an organization ran by a volunteer board of directors who hire a seasonal manager to help with the day-to-day operations.
We have received many grants and donations over the years and we are very thankful for these funds!! (see our sponsor page)! Specifically, one large fund was donated from the city of Moscow from the Bobby C Hamilton Fund (“Hamilton Fund”) to help pay for construction of the new rink. We are so grateful for this 1 million dollar donation. This money was part of the total cost of construction which was approximately 7 million. We are so honored and grateful that our project was kept to minimum expenses. A new ice rink build is estimated to cost 13 K. Now that the rink is built we need to make sure we obtain funds to sustain operations and plan for future phase 2 projects in order to satisfy our building permit.
It’s important to note we don’t have a continuous supply of grants or funding sources. We need to apply for grants yearly and we only qualify for certain grants once per lifetime. We mostly pay for fundraising, and construction through grant writing and private donations and pay for the operations through the revenue from customer admissions. Please note hiring a grant writer also takes time and money and sometimes efforts don’t compensate to afford a grant writer. At this time we are asking for volunteers to help with grant writing and event fundraising efforts.
We’d love to keep our prices affordable to our community. We also need to be able to afford to pay for the building loan, construction loan, utilities supplies, employees, and other operating costs to sustain operations.
Please help us keep our fees low by paying admission fees, being aware of one’s footprint in the building.. i.e. everything costs money to replace / maintain items and run programs, and please volunteer if you have time.
We cannot do it without the community support helping us stay open in operations. Please get involved today! Volunteer link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f44aea72da7f94-pirvolunteer#/
Thank you!
-The PIR team!